The team was looking into the Atting 841 and the needed communication protocol for the capacitors bank. The team also started to create a simple flowchart and a program draft for the slave attiny 841. Attiny 841 running code /* assume parallel Vcc to an analog pin; Rx, Tx are binary numbers PIN_A1, output binary as voltage # PIN_A2, input as address */ #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <EEPROM.h> int addr = 0; byte val; byte target = 0; int read_state = 0; int voltage = 0; const byte interruptPin = PIN_B0; // pin used for waking up const byte receivingPin = PIN_A2; // Rx in 841 const byte transmittingPin = PIN_A1; // Tx in 841 const byte voltagePin = PIN_B1; // pin used to read voltage void setup() { pinMode(receivingPin, INPUT); pinMode(interruptPin, INPUT); pinMode(transmittingPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(voltagePin, INPUT); } int wakeUpNo...